Friday, January 14, 2011

Three Birthdays and an Anniversary

Early January is a very busy time for us.  Hubby and I were married January 3, 1976, daughter was born on our second anniversary, number one grandson was born January 8, 2005 and number one granddaughter was born January 8, 2008

It's a difficult time for celebrations, coming so soon after Christmas.  We always made sure our daughter's birthday was special but she still says she wishes she could have a half-birthday mid-year.  Unfortunately, when she was small, a lot of relatives would "combine" her Christmas and birthday presents, which was easier for them but hard to explain to a child.  Our anniversary has always taken a back seat and we have yet to really celebrate.  I thought maybe our 35th would be different but, sadly, no.  Post holiday burn-out, dealing with three birthdays, slim wallets.  We have also found over the years that quite a few restaurants are closed on January 3rd as they have just had New Years Eve and are taking much needed holidays themselves.   Enough whining.

I had great fun making this birthday cake for Ryleigh.  Driving over to her house for the party with the cake balanced on my lap, hubby says "wouldn't it be funny if I had to brake suddenly?"  Hilarious!


kate said...

Wow, that cake is breath-taking!! (And thank goodness there was no sudden braking.)

I take my hat off to your 35 years.

Anonymous said...

Julie - beautiful cake. Congrats on 35 years.
Great to see you yesterday. Have been busy reading (the hand held type of book) so not much knitting. I keep looking at the sock, and think I may have to go to 64 stitches. We'll have a try on in a bit and see. Thanks for helping me. Peg

Oiyi said...

I am now understanding the birth date thing. My mom's is Dec 24 and my sister's is Dec 29. Melody's is Jan 14, but each year I am having a hard time getting a party ready for her. We always go away for Christmas to visit family, so by the time we get back, planning a party is not on my mind. Mine is Jan 26 and ever since I had Melody, we no longer celebrate it with anything special because it's about her now. I don't mind. I just wish I could get birthday party planned on time. This year, we are having her party tomorrow, 29th. The best that I could do. :-)

That cake is amazing. I bet she loved it.

AlisonH said...

Wow. Beautiful work!

My mom's birthday is Dec 20th as is my first new grandson's and my cousin's, and mine is the 13th, my sister's Jan 6.

A bunch of my friends have had a December Club for 30 years, wherein we sing Happy Birthday To Us and each unwrap a present we brought ourselves, explaining why we got it and sharing a part of ourselves and who we are in the process and celebrating all of us together.

knittingdragonflies said...

Love the cake, it makes me want one for my birthday, and I'm just a little bit older! ha